The mystery illness affecting dairy cattle in the Texas Panhandle this spring was later identified as a strain of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI)

As discussed in the article “Climate change raises the stakes” starting on page 18, extreme weather events are happening more frequently

To best utilize the end material, it is helpful to submit a sample for laboratory testing

Manure is used as an organic fertilizer source on approximately 31 million acres across the country

When it comes to manure application of field crops, corn acres are the main target. In 2020, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) reported that 90.8 million acres were planted to corn, more

Changes in manure regulations, volume, and equipment impact how it is managed today. During a Hoard’s Dairyman webinar, Becky Larson, an associate professor and extension specialist with the Univers

The bedding under their feet contains the first bacteria chicks are exposed to. For that reason, reusing litter — which contains a mixture of wood shavings, feces, uric acid, feathers, and chicken

Laboratory analysis is the best way to evaluate the nutrient content of manure on a specific farm. When sampling is not or cannot be done, farmers rely on “book values” to develop nutrient

The manure and bedding material removed from a bedded-pack barn can be a valuable nutrient source for crops, but it is bulky. For this reason, this manure is often applied close to the farm

It is very common for manure storages to not be emptied completely, often because it is difficult to do so. This residual manure is considered aged or inoculated

When discussing feedlot profitability, producers may often talk about the cost of gain or break-even costs. If manure enters the discussion, it is often referred to as an expense

As fertilizer prices climb and concerns about supply shortages loom, manure is an even more valuable nutrient source this fall

Land application of manure is a common source of neighbor complaints. University of Nebraska’s Rick Koelsch shared tips for minimizing manure odors in an Extension Dairy Bulletin.Koelsch said that

In a University of Minnesota Extension Crop News e-newsletter, Melissa Wilson and Jeff Vetsch posed the question, “Nitrification inhibitors and manure: Do they work?”Their answer was, “Yes,

Unlike commercial fertilizers that can be mixed to achieve a desired nutrient content, manure comes with fixed nutrient ratios. These ratios often don’t align perfectly with the needs of field

Poultry litter can serve as a significant source of crop nutrients for states near large poultry producing areas

The number of anaerobic digesters on farms continues to expand, growing tenfold between 2000 and 2020 (see graph below)

A field’s nitrogen needs vary from year to year. In a recent University of Nebraska Extension Crop Watch article, extension specialists explained that this need is partially dependent on the previous

Manure and used bedding from poultry farms can be a valuable fertilizer source. This litter meets corn’s nitrogen needs while having a liming effect on acidic soils, adding organic matter to fields

Does your manure storage lagoon seem to fill up faster than it used to? In a recent C.O.R.N. Newsletter produced by Ohio State University Extension, Aaron Wilson, Glen Arnold, and Jason Hartschuh addr