A few weeks ago, I received a phone call from a reader you might put into the “unhappy customer” category

Most people put a lot of thought into choosing a name, whether it is for a child, a business, or even a pet. A name is a long-term commitment, one that is not easily changed. We want to be sure we get

If you live in an area where livestock outnumber people, manure being used as a fertilizer source is simply common practice

A few days ago, an interesting segment on the late night news caught my attention. The reporter was stationed at John’s Disposal Facility, a Milwaukee-area recycling center that takes in about 500

Lately, I often find the song “Take me home, country roads” stuck in my head. I taught my children the chorus, and now the John Denver classic has become one of the songs my son asks me to

There are certain jobs young children tend to gravitate toward when asked the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Doctor, teacher, and fireman are common responses. Some aim

Advice can be a tricky thing. Opinions and recommendations may be offered with the best of intentions, but the person on the receiving end could interpret the sentiments differently. The best advice o

When I was in middle school, the barn on my family’s dairy burned down. Most of the cows escaped, but the entire wooden part of the hip roof barn was gone, leaving just the brick walls standing

Anyone paying the bills to fertilize fields, heat a home, or both knows that those expenses have been draining more from the bank account as of late

We all know that what’s on the inside is what really counts. Still, presentation and packaging often make a big difference in how something is perceived and accepted

A day I had hoped was in the much more distant future has arrived. An excavating crew laid the groundwork for a new road that will be built in the field that has been my backyard view

Abby Bauer During a visit with my grandfather in the farmhouse where he has lived nearly his entire life, we talked about what the homestead looked like when he was young

It feels strange to talk about heat abatement strategies for livestock during the winter when much of the country is dealing with weather that creates problems opposite of what heat stress does

Many of us who farm or work in the industry come from a long lineage of agriculturists. The generations before us who raised animals and grew crops paved the path we follow today

The pioneers who settled this country were tough as nails. They left their homes, their occupations, and everyone they knew in search of a piece of land where they could build a house, start a family

In a matter of just a few months, life as we knew it came to a halt. Health concerns mounted, travel all but stopped, events were canceled, and some every day goods became difficult to find. This glob

There is no doubt about it; the agriculture landscape has changed. Farms have grown, evolved, modernized, and specialized. Each decade brings new ideas and new outlets for farmers to better care for animals