Missouri’s Department of Natural Resources (DNR) issued a general permit to a Smithfield hog feeding operation in the north central part of the state. Environmentalists and others opposed to the decision are concerned because they believe site specific permits are more restrictive, but DNR officials said the permit change does not weaken the regulation. The department was required by state law to issue the general permit to the operation within 45 days of the application, as long as documentation and permit conditions satisfied the application requirements.
This is taking place at the same time the state’s master general permits are going through their five-year review. The DNR is revising the latest draft of the permit, and a public comment period and 90-day review by the Environmental Protection Agency will occur later this year. The new permits should be ready to be issued in early 2023, and all CAFOs will need to reapply.
This article appeared in the August 2022 issue of
Journal of Nutrient Management on page 5.
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