The author is a nutrient management specialist and sampling director at Rock River Laboratory in Watertown, Wis.


Manure management and nutrient management plans rely heavily on mapping software and computer technology

While a tax discussion this is not, some growers might find the nutrient management plan writing decision to be equally as certain and as cringe-worthy

There are about two million farms in the United States according to the USDA

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Pulling a quality soil sample is rule number one of soil analysis. The most accurate laboratory in the world cannot accurately evaluate anything without a quality, representative sample
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There is no certainty when it comes to farming. The only thing we can really plan on is that next year will not be the same as this year. The agricultural markets are a prime example of this. Com

To get the most from manure, establish a thorough sampling plan to determine the variability in nutrient content prior to application

Interpreting manure analysis reports may seem to practically require a doctorate degree. Confusing is just the tip of the iceberg of obstacles one might face when navigating through the ocean of information