Within eyeshot of Ellington in north central Connecticut sits Oakridge Dairy, the state’s largest dairy farm

Nitrogen is at the center of agronomy, climate change, and water quality conversations

Communication is key. So is understanding the view point of each person in a business deal

This year, fields with flooded areas are fairly commonplace in certain parts of the country that have been plagued by heavy rains over the spring and summer

Oftentimes, people think most of the information coming out of Washington, D.C., is not positive or productive for animal agriculture

In Oregon, the Linn County Board of Commissioners amended a setback rule for CAFOs

Four ag groups filed with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit to preserve certain rights granted to livestock producers

Each of us is on our own journey of life

Programs and tools can help gather the information needed to put together the best manure management plan for your farm

The mystery illness affecting dairy cattle in the Texas Panhandle this spring was later identified as a strain of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI)

The author is a water quality outreach specialist with the University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension. Snowmelt is a source of soil moisture but too much at one time elevates the

While a tax discussion this is not, some growers might find the nutrient management plan writing decision to be equally as certain and as cringe-worthy

An important part of manure management is a place for storage; manure needs somewhere to go while it awaits its final destination

Simple, yet effective. That is how Justin Gioletti describes the current manure handling system on his family’s farm

Consumer choices are unpredictable and complex

Biologicals is one of the new buzzwords in agriculture that raises many questions

As discussed in the article “Climate change raises the stakes” starting on page 18, extreme weather events are happening more frequently

With carbon dioxide being a “stock” greenhouse gas (GHG), its accumulation lasts hundreds if not thousands of years and must be curbed by stopping the use of fossil fuel carbon

A few weeks ago, I received a phone call from a reader you might put into the “unhappy customer” category

There are about two million farms in the United States according to the USDA