In 1924, the U.S. dairy herd consisted of approximately 21 million cows, each producing around 4,167 pounds of milk annually

Analyses have suggested that mitigating methane, a potent but short-lived greenhouse gas, can have a significant impact on slowing down global warming in the short term

Dairyman Shawn Saylor is what one might consider a jack-of-all trades; in fact, “super handyman” is even part of his email address

Within eyeshot of Ellington in north central Connecticut sits Oakridge Dairy, the state’s largest dairy farm

Oftentimes, people think most of the information coming out of Washington, D.C., is not positive or productive for animal agriculture

Simple, yet effective. That is how Justin Gioletti describes the current manure handling system on his family’s farm

With carbon dioxide being a “stock” greenhouse gas (GHG), its accumulation lasts hundreds if not thousands of years and must be curbed by stopping the use of fossil fuel carbon

In today’s ever-changing agricultural landscape, the focus on sustainable practices has never been more crucial

Louisiana dairyman Brent Duncan considers manure to be “a diamond in the rough.”

Anaerobic digesters are one way to capture more value from manure, but they come with a substantial price tag. Farm owners must consider the pros and cons before committing to this long-term investment

As a college student in the 1970s, I read the 1940 vintage book You are what you eat by Victor Lindlahr

Dairy producers across the globe aim for financial sustainability amidst a sea of environmental challenges

Dairy farms of all sizes are challenged with properly disposing and managing the manure produced by their herds. The larger the dairy, the greater the challenge becomes in containing and managing effl

We live at a time where memes — amusing or interesting photos or videos that are shared online — communicate sentiments in a new way. In a world with pandemics, an ever-growing political divide,

Manure handling starts with the animal, but the end user is an essential part of the equation