The Delaware Nutrient Management Commission voted to proceed with rare changes to the state’s nutrient management rules, which are typically only updated once every 10 years. The most notable change

A request by the state of Ohio to transfer certain regulatory responsibilities regarding concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency to the Ohio Depart

Included in the Inflation Reduction Act is $40 billion over the next 10 years directed toward existing voluntary programs promoting climate-smart agriculture, rural energy efficiency and reliability

The Dutch agriculture minister resigned unexpectedly following a turbulent summer of protests by farmers in opposition to a court ruling that required farms to drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions

An emergency order approved by members of the Delaware Nutrient Management Commission will allow for a 180-day extension of properly staged poultry litter in state fields. The order took effect on Nov

The 2023 budget for Dane County, Wisconsin, includes $3 million to study the feasibility of opening a commercial grade, community scale manure processing plant and funding to acquire a site for this p

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) awarded $37.65 million in grant funding to 41 methane reduction projects across the state. In total, these projects are estimated to cut annual

The Washington Department of Ecology is proposing updates to the state’s Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) water quality permit. Several of the proposed updates are in response to a decis

This summer, Dutch farmers have been protesting at the nation’s parliament building and beyond in response to government proposals intended to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Missouri’s Department of Natural Resources (DNR) issued a general permit to a Smithfield hog feeding operation in the north central part of the state. Environmentalists and others opposed to the

Last month, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf approved the state’s budget, which dedicates $13.6 million to the Pennsylvania Farm Bill for the next fiscal year. In 2019, Pennsylvania became the first

A report published by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) noted that one-third of the food produced in the United States is never eaten

An ordinance crafted by a partnership of six towns in northwestern Wisconsin this spring would allow for more local input and control over farms with more than 500 animal units

State officials released a final version of the adaptive management plan for handling algal blooms on Lake Erie. This serves as a companion document to the Domestic Action Plan for Lake Erie

In response to the current Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) outbreak, the state of Maryland is limiting the movement of poultry litter

PENNSYLVANIA Pennsylvania is one of the Chesapeake Bay watershed states that is required by federal law to reduce pollution entering the bay by 2025

The Environmental Protection Agency will be investigating the North Carolina legislature’s decision to fast track a general permitting process allowing four hog farms to generate biogas

Two counties in Missouri filed an appeal to the state’s Supreme Court last month to overturn a law passed in 2019 that prohibits county commissioners from setting policies

Late last month, State Senator Ram Villivalam (D-Chicago) filed a senate bill to extend the Partners for Conservation Fund, a program run through the Illinois Department of Natural Resources

The Netherlands is home to 1.57 million dairy cows, but proposed legislation could cut that number by 25% to 30%