Many of us who farm or work in the industry come from a long lineage of agriculturists. The generations before us who raised animals and grew crops paved the path we follow today

Manure and used bedding from poultry farms can be a valuable fertilizer source. This litter meets corn’s nitrogen needs while having a liming effect on acidic soils, adding organic matter to fields

The pioneers who settled this country were tough as nails. They left their homes, their occupations, and everyone they knew in search of a piece of land where they could build a house, start a family

As nutrient applicators, we are tasked with having the right piece of equipment for each of our customers

Does your manure storage lagoon seem to fill up faster than it used to? In a recent C.O.R.N. Newsletter produced by Ohio State University Extension, Aaron Wilson, Glen Arnold, and Jason Hartschuh addr

It has been a productive couple months. We finished our pumping season on January 7 and went right into maintenance season

Feed represents the largest import of nutrients to most livestock and poultry farms, followed by commercial fertilizer. Feed management opportunities exist to reduce imports of nutrients

Tillage and manure application are critical nutrient management aspects affecting crop yield potential, soil erosion, and nutrient loss risk

Discovery Farms is an on-farm water quality research and outreach program that is part of the UW-Madison Division of Extension

With the extreme weather events in recent years, dairy farmers in certain parts of the country have had a difficult time emptying their manure pits before the winter freeze

In the depths of the COVID-19 pandemic and with people across the country sheltering in place, there have been some disruptions to our supply chain, from toilet paper to food products

In a matter of just a few months, life as we knew it came to a halt. Health concerns mounted, travel all but stopped, events were canceled, and some every day goods became difficult to find. This glob

As I sit in my office amid piles of work I need to catch up on from the long, extended manure hauling season, I have flashbacks to the “exciting” fall we all had . . . broken safeties on rippers

There is no doubt about it; the agriculture landscape has changed. Farms have grown, evolved, modernized, and specialized. Each decade brings new ideas and new outlets for farmers to better care for animals

Short-term manure stockpiles in fields are one opportunity for some farms to expand their manure storage capabilities and reduce hauling time in the spring. One concern, though, is the leaching

As we approach the end of winter, farms across the country could soon be dealing with melting snow and heavy spring rains

Concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) must maintain accurate manure handling records to meet the requirements of their nutrient management plan (NMP). If a farm doesn’t have enough la