Manure is an excellent source of valuable nutrients. However, it is susceptible to nutrient loss and impacts to water quality when applied long before a crop is present to take up the nutrients
Farmers and ranchers in California know that their Golden State is more than palm trees and beaches. It is the largest dairy producing state in the nation
Acommon reaction to the word “isotopes” is that they are nasty fallout from atomic bombs. This article explains how isotopes (even some related to atomic-bomb fallout) have helped to change
A long-term study of the impacts of continued poultry manure application on soil health and nutrients, water quality, and crop yield response with economic analysis was completed in the fall of 2017
At a young age, Rob Stout discovered his passion for animals and decided to become a farmer. Early in his career, he also became passionate about protecting the land for himself and for generations to
CALIFORNIA Basin prioritization is a technical process that uses the best available data and information to classify California’s 515 groundwater basins into one of four priority categories: hi
The manure application challenges of previous generations were certainly different than the challenges of today. We now have equipment that can haul manure for more miles and under varying conditions
CALIFORNIAThe Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) board granted the agency permission to begin drawing up manure and fertilizer restrictions for areas prone to groundwater pollution. Despi
Maryland Agriculture Secretary Joseph Bartenfelder took counsel from an advisory committee and said he saw no need to hold up a regulation restricting the use of animal manure as fertilizer
Michigan’s Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) General Permit is under a routine five-year revision by the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE)