Nutrient applications, from either manure or fertilizer, come with an ever-growing list of items to consider before, during, and after application

A newer opportunity in the sustainable energy space is the production of renewable natural gas, or RNG, which is created from organic materials such as food waste or animal manure

When a red light starts to flash on your vehicle’s dashboard, it usually means something is wrong with your vehicle . . . but not always. It could be a faulty sensor

When considering the task of formulating rations, I think about building blocks. When an architect and a contractor work together to build a house, there is a plan and there are materials

Dairy farmer Dean Swager isn’t one to just maintain the status quo. “If we can do something better, God gave us an opportunity to learn more and be better in our lives,” he said

As we experience more variable weather, like frequent and stronger storms, it has become more crucial that livestock producers check and monitor the integrity of earthen or concrete storage structures

Manure composting uses microbes that already exist in manure to break down organic matter such as manure and bedding, and it requires certain conditions to be successful

You’ve got a problem, and we’ve got the solution!” How many times has that statement made you bristle? Often, we deny that we have a problem but readily admit better solutions might be

PennsylvaniaThe Hershey Company, Land O’Lakes, and the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay have formed a partnership to help improve water quality in the Chesapeake Bay watershed

Washington D.C. A bill concerning agriculture was reintroduced in mid-July after its original introduction in January 2020. The Farm System Reform Act, presented by Senator Cory Booker, D-N.J

MARYLAND The Maryland Department of Agriculture awarded more than $2.9 million in grants from its Animal Waste Technology Fund. These grants are intended to help poultry and dairy farmers improve

Iowa Researchers at Iowa State University received a grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture to investigate how livestock manure management sy

WashingtonA panel of judges determined Washington’s rules for storing and spreading manure are too lenient to protect the state’s water supply and sent them back to the Department of Ecology

No dairy producer wants to dispose of saleable milk, but there have been times in the past year, due to COVID-19 ramifications and other reasons, where some farms were asked to reduce production

For several years, Nick Dallmann was interested in adding an anaerobic digester to his family’s dairy farm. “I knew some other people who had one, and I saw the benefits from having a digester,”

There was a period of time when phosphorus was rarely a consideration with manure applications — it was all about nitrogen. Now nitrogen is a secondary consideration and phosphorus is paramount.&nbs

Manure collected from open lot animal housing systems varies due to weather conditions, management of cattle and pens, and other factors resulting in substantial changes in manure characteristics

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), soil health is defined as the continued capacity of soil to function as a vital living system, within ecosystem and land-use boundaries

Making the most of on-farm nutrients always makes economic and environmental sense. A good working knowledge of nutrient management and farm nutrient mass balances can help producers improve

With climate change mitigation on the minds of many government leaders, farms will be part of the solution in the coming years, with an emphasis placed on the use of anaerobic digesters