Concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) are intensely managed production systems that allow for improved efficiency and better care of the animals. Manure from these systems must also be intens
Farming is nothing new for the Roche family, who has been raising livestock and growing crops at their farm in southeastern Wisconsin for 170 years. What has changed in recent years
Careful manure management is a principle of farm profitability and environmental stewardship. Thinking critically about your nutrient management plan can help protect your fields
The concept of a manureshed was developed to describe the amount of cropland needed to use the manure nutrients produced by a livestock operation without negative environmental impacts
I read an article in the Wall Street Journal recently about how food is produced and labeled. The following statement raised my ire: “Confinement livestock operations have polluted ground and surfac
To make the most of manure that is going to be used as fertilizer, analyzing the nutrient content first is a must. Collecting a representative sample is key to this process
Managing nutrients is more than having a Nutrient Management Plan in a binder on the shelf. Daily management of manure and proper land application at the right time and rate for each crop takes a team
You’ve got a problem, and we’ve got the solution!” How many times has that statement made you bristle? Often, we deny that we have a problem but readily admit better solutions might be
Does your manure storage lagoon seem to fill up faster than it used to? In a recent C.O.R.N. Newsletter produced by Ohio State University Extension, Aaron Wilson, Glen Arnold, and Jason Hartschuh addr
When people talk about sustainability, they often refer to the term “carbon footprint.” However, there is more to the sustainability story than greenhouse gases