Analyses have suggested that mitigating methane, a potent but short-lived greenhouse gas, can have a significant impact on slowing down global warming in the short term

Dairy farms of all sizes are challenged with properly disposing and managing the manure produced by their herds. The larger the dairy, the greater the challenge becomes in containing and managing effl

We live at a time where memes — amusing or interesting photos or videos that are shared online — communicate sentiments in a new way. In a world with pandemics, an ever-growing political divide,

Manure handling starts with the animal, but the end user is an essential part of the equation

Advice can be a tricky thing. Opinions and recommendations may be offered with the best of intentions, but the person on the receiving end could interpret the sentiments differently. The best advice o

Careful manure management is a principle of farm profitability and environmental stewardship. Thinking critically about your nutrient management plan can help protect your fields

I read an article in the Wall Street Journal recently about how food is produced and labeled. The following statement raised my ire: “Confinement livestock operations have polluted ground and surfac

The concept of a manureshed was developed to describe the amount of cropland needed to use the manure nutrients produced by a livestock operation without negative environmental impacts

Modern dairy production concentrates the number of animals housed in relatively small areas to improve production efficiencies, output per animal, and take advantage of economies of scale

Managing nutrients is more than having a Nutrient Management Plan in a binder on the shelf. Daily management of manure and proper land application at the right time and rate for each crop takes a team

To make the most of manure that is going to be used as fertilizer, analyzing the nutrient content first is a must. Collecting a representative sample is key to this process

You’ve got a problem, and we’ve got the solution!” How many times has that statement made you bristle? Often, we deny that we have a problem but readily admit better solutions might be

When considering the task of formulating rations, I think about building blocks. When an architect and a contractor work together to build a house, there is a plan and there are materials

No dairy producer wants to dispose of saleable milk, but there have been times in the past year, due to COVID-19 ramifications and other reasons, where some farms were asked to reduce production

Making the most of on-farm nutrients always makes economic and environmental sense. A good working knowledge of nutrient management and farm nutrient mass balances can help producers improve

As dairy farms grow in herd size, the amount of required bedding also goes up. Dairy farmers often use sand as bedding because of its availability, comfort, and effectiveness in maintaining herd udder

Popular media has created a buzz around feeding seaweed to ruminants in order to cut down their enteric methane emissions

Does your manure storage lagoon seem to fill up faster than it used to? In a recent C.O.R.N. Newsletter produced by Ohio State University Extension, Aaron Wilson, Glen Arnold, and Jason Hartschuh addr

One only has to spend a few minutes with dairyman Lee Jensen to realize that his mind is always moving

I’ve shifted the focus of my nutrition talks and meetings from discussing ways to boost production or gains to that of improving feed conversion