With climate change mitigation on the minds of many government leaders, farms will be part of the solution in the coming years, with an emphasis placed on the use of anaerobic digesters

It is important to understand drainage tile flow trends in agricultural production systems to effectively manage tile-drained land. Tile flow is an indicator of elevated soil moisture content and water

Some dairies prefer to use flush systems for manure handling because of their ease of mechanization and low labor requirements

Interpreting manure analysis reports may seem to practically require a doctorate degree. Confusing is just the tip of the iceberg of obstacles one might face when navigating through the ocean of information

many conversations have shifted from the verbiage of climate change to climate crisis, and legislation that affects agricultural producers will inevitably become a reality

Soil organic matter metrics and emerging research can help farmers better manage their farm fields

When looking for a way to reduce the amount of wastewater being trucked from his central Washington dairy, Austin Allred came upon a fairly simple solution: a worm-powered water treatment system

The author is the vice president of sustainability initiatives and outreach at Newtrient. The Newtrient Catalog provides a third-party perspective on many farm technologies and solutions.As companies and

Between May 1 and July, 13 inches of rain fell at the University of Minnesota’s Northwest Research and Outreach Center in Crookston

As dairy farms grow in herd size, the amount of required bedding also goes up. Dairy farmers often use sand as bedding because of its availability, comfort, and effectiveness in maintaining herd udder

Discovery Farms’ Nitrogen Use Efficiency Project provides farmers and agronomists opportunities to evaluate their N management to determine economic and environmental impacts of current practices

When Jay Binversie was a freshman in high school, he traveled to California with his father to visit Maddox Dairy

An environmental footprint is one metric to understand the impact of current production practices

Discovery Farms is an on-farm water quality research and outreach program that is part of the UW-Madison Division of Extension

Acommon reaction to the word “isotopes” is that they are nasty fallout from atomic bombs. This article explains how isotopes (even some related to atomic-bomb fallout) have helped to change

Farmers and ranchers in California know that their Golden State is more than palm trees and beaches. It is the largest dairy producing state in the nation

Manure is an excellent source of valuable nutrients. However, it is susceptible to nutrient loss and impacts to water quality when applied long before a crop is present to take up the nutrients

Crop production in Northern regions is characterized by short growing seasons and seasonally high runoff potential

At a young age, Rob Stout discovered his passion for animals and decided to become a farmer. Early in his career, he also became passionate about protecting the land for himself and for generations to

Short-term manure stockpiles in fields are one opportunity for some farms to expand their manure storage capabilities and reduce hauling time in the spring. One concern, though, is the leaching